
Friday, February 24, 2012

Still Here

The blog is still here, for now. Eventually I will write something of interest.  Right now, not so much.  Apparently November and December's daily writing was a bit much. It's also possible that December's daily prompts lead me to stop thinking of prompts on my own.

Ideas that have been floating around:

  • The Ballad of Willhelm the Barred Owl. When your husband takes a photo like this, well, it might just be blog worthy, but I'm not sure how.

    • Collections: This was one of the prompts I didn't write from December's Reverb Broads.  I'm still working on it.  I'm currently collecting Norwegian trolls, cover songs, and decorative boxes. 
    • Two-Month check-in on my 52 new recipes, 52 novels, minus 52 pounds, 12 non-fiction books self-challenge. In brief, I am successful on all accounts.
    • The power of family to make a person laugh and feel better. I'm pretty sure my cousin would like her recent visit to be blog worthy
    • Re-visiting the "About" of this blog based on the last year's posts.
    • Valentine's Day Traditions
    • Seeds and Garden planning
    • Moving this blog to its own site