
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Glutton for External Validation

December 8: Reverb Broads Prompt
Why blog? Why do you or why do you like to blog (recognizing that these are not always the same thing)?

Appreciate me, please.

I need other people to appreciate it when I do something well. I also need to share the interesting things I find with other people and I take great satisfaction when they are interested in it, too, especially if they haven’t heard about it before.

Also, I am a copy cat. I can’t help it. Just remember if I’ve copied from you it is always with the best of intents; it’s because you did something I thought was a really good idea. If I do that same thing, then I will be cool. If I am cool, then I will belong. If people comment and respond to what I have written, then I will know I belong.

I started this blog last year after reading Emily’s Reverb10 posts. I had hoped that was going to be enough to get me to start writing. And it did, only not in December. I think like many of you, I write because I truly believe I have something to share. I want to start a conversation.

I've found that reminding myself to be looking for post topics helps occupy my mind. What will make this blog-worthy? Take more pictures. Look for the little things. Play with the little people. Listen for the little voices. Sample the little dishes. Pay attention to the little aromas. Remember. We usually remember the big things, but sometimes we forget why they’re big. It’s the little things that make life worth living. And I hope that I learn appreciate and write about the little things.

But really, I just want people to pay attention to me and give me kudos. Acknowledge my small little gift to the world. To be a dust speck.


  1. "Take more pictures. Look for the little things. Play with the little people. Listen for the little voices. Sample the little dishes. Pay attention to the little aromas. Remember." This little turn of phrase is exactly why I can't wait to meet you in real life. I love your blog and I love that we've become friends through this odd little portal.

  2. Thanks...and how quickly you must read.

  3. I absolutely love this post. *hug* I DO appreciate you and I'm so grateful I found your blog! :)
